
The Street Department for the Town of Wheatland has many responsibilities. These include, but certainly are not limited to:

Pot Hole Repairs: The Town of Wheatland relies on reports from customers and citizens regarding pot holes and other street concerns needing addressed by the Street Department. These reports can be made by calling Town Hall at 322-2962 or by sending an email to Streets employees try to get pot holes repaired as quickly as possible. There are times this might take a day or two if there is water in the holes or if there are other emergencies requiring the employees’ immediate attention. 

Street Signs & Markings: Our Street Department is responsible to ensure that all street signs and markings are visible, legible and if needed, in working condition.

Street Rebuilds: As streets deteriorate, they require rebuilding and repairing. The Street Department is responsible for rebuilding streets within town limits that belong to the Town of Wheatland. This includes removing the old and/or damaged pavement and repaving the streets. During these rebuilds, the public will be notified in a timely manner via a number of outlets, of which streets will be effected and the approximate time frame for the work being completed. 

Alley Maintenance: Town of Wheatland Street Department is responsible for repairing/filling in pot holes in alleyways. Property owners are responsible for managing weeds and trimming trees in the alleys. 

Town Owned Concrete Maintenance: The Town of Wheatland Street Department is responsible for repairing, replacing and maintaining any gutters, sidewalks and curbs that are on Town property. Gutters, sidewalks and curbs that are on private property are the responsibility of the property owner. If you have any questions regarding who is responsible for concrete maintenance in your area or close to your property, you may call Town Hall at 307-322-2962.

Street Sweeping: The Town of Wheatland owns and operates one street sweeper for the Town. There is no set route or schedule for sweeping the streets in town. If you see a street needing attention, please call Town Hall at 322-2962 to make a report. This includes noted glass, grass, debris and/or washout from storms. 

Bridge Maintenance: The Town of Wheatland does not perform bridge maintenance at this time. If there is something on a bridge that requires attention or repair, the Town is able to contact a contractor licensed in bridge repairs.

Snow Plowing:  The Town of Wheatland has a number of plows and road maintaining equipment to assist in snow removal. There are priority routes that must be cleared first to allow for emergency vehicles to have access along with allowing access for businesses and employers. The secondary plowing route includes the local schools in Town. 

Town of Wheatland Priority Plowing Routes


Toby Hohnholt
Department Head
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Ryan Orr
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Travis Lowry
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
7:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Craig Graves
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
7:00 AM - 4:00 PM