
Wheatland Solid Waste Transfer Station: The Town of Wheatland Transfer Station hours of operation are from 9:00am to 4:00pm Monday through Friday, Saturday from 9:00am to 2:00pm. 


The Town of Wheatland opened the Wheatland Solid Waste Transfer station in 2017 and officially closed the Town landfill. The Solid Waste Transfer Station is slightly North of the location of the old landfill. The Wheatland Solid Waste Transfer Station (Transfer Station) is open and accessible to all residents and businesses of Platte County. Anyone wanting or needing to access the Transfer Station that is not a business or resident of Platte County is required to obtain approval prior to accessing and using the Transfer Station.

The Town of Wheatland makes every attempt to pick up trash from residential areas twice per week.  Adjustments are made as much as possible when there are holidays on scheduled pick up days. 

The Town of Wheatland provides each residence with one 96 gallon rolling can OR access to a 300 gallon shared dumpster. If a residence has alley access, the cans will be placed by the alley for collection. If there is no alley, containers swill be placed in an area accessible by Town trash trucks. If you have any questions regarding the location of your trash can and where your trash is picked up, please call Town Hall at 307-322-2962.

There are a number of items that are not permitted in the trash cans for collection. This list includes: construction debris, hazardous waste, air conditioners or any applicances, furniture, shingles, carpet, metal or mattresses or any form of ashes. For a complete list of what is prohibited in cans, please see the Wheatland Municipal Code, Chapter 8. You can also review the list on our brochure for the Sanitation Department, linked below. 

Wheatland Municipal Code, Chapter 8


Green Waste Collection

 The Town of Wheatland classifies any grass clippings, leaves, small branches under 5 inches in diameter, bushes and other yard waste as Green Waste. This does NOT include plastic bags! Anyone found placing plastic bags or other trash info the Green Waste dumpsters could face up to a $750 fine.

The Town of Wheatland offers a number of locations during the spring and summer for green waste collection. These locations are Progress Court, 25th St and W. Ponderosa, Cole St by the water towers and Front St. by the canal ditch. The Cole St location has dumpsters available year-round for green waste collection. Green waste is also always free to take out to the Transfer Station.


Rates for disposal of items at the Transfer Station are as follows:

General household garbage: $45 per ton (includes electric waste and dishwashers)

Construction debris(including treated and untreated wood): $200 per ton or $.10 per pound

Tires: 17 inches and smaller-$8.00 per tire

           17.5 to 24 inches-$10.00 per tire

           Over 24.5 Inches-NOT accepted

           Any tires still on the rim are NOT accepted at the Transfer Station

Furniture: Chairs and loveseats $45 per ton

                  Couches, sofas larger than a loveseat $80 per ton

                  Hide-a-beds and recliners $200 per ton

                  Mattresses-Single/Double $45 per ton, Queen/King $80 per ton

Appliances: Most METAL appliances will be accepted at no charge. Appliances containing Freon such as refrigerators, and freezers are charged as follows: 

                     With Freon: $40 per appliance

                     Drained of Freon (must have certificate from licensed technician for each appliance) is free as long as the door(s) is removed.

                     With door attached: $10 per appliance

Recyclables: The Transfer Station accepts the following items at no charge for recycling. Green waste, lead acid batteries, metal, paints and stains, pesticides and used oil and antifreeze. All items brought in for recycling MUST be separated.


The following items are not allowed or accepted at the Transfer Station. If you have these items and need to dispose of them, you may call TDS Collection and Environmental Services at 307-532-7515 or 307-532-3105. 

Asbestos or materials containing asbestos



Creosote Posts

Dead animals/animal body parts


Tires greater than 24.5 inches, from businesses or still mounted on the rim

Ordinances for Town of Wheatland Sanitation and Transfer Station

Ordinance 804: Establishing monthly garbage collection rates 

Ordinance 805: Establishing use, restrictions and fees for disposal of garbage and refuse at the Transfer Station

If there are any questions regarding rates, what is and is not accepted in cans and at the Transfer Station or other information, please feel free to call Town Hall at 307-322-2962.



Dean Crowe
Department Head
Office Hours
9:000 AM to 4:00 PM
Clayton Cochran
Office Hours
As Scheduled
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Payton Green
Office Hours
As Scheduled
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Eric Poling
Office Hours
As Scheduled
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Colton Call
Office Hours
As Scheduled
9:00AM to 4:00 PM