The Town of Wheatland provides Water, Wastewater and Electric Utilities to our residents.
In order to secure secure utility services from the Town of Wheatland, residents must place a deposit at Town Hall. All utility deposits are kept in a non-interest baring account and are refunded after utilities are no longer in a customer’s name. The final bill for an account is taken from the deposit and the remainder is returned to the customer at their new address. Customers are also able to transfer their utility deposit from one address to another within town. If there is a difference in deposit amounts, customers will be required to update their deposit amount. Deposits must be made by check or cash only. Utility deposit rates for the Town of Wheatland are as follows:
Residential with gas heat: $350
Residential with electric heat: $450
Commercial/Business: $750
Residential, Water ONLY: $250
Commercial/Business, Water ONLY: $350
All accounts shall be due in full by the end of the 15th day of the month or there will be an assessed late fee of $10.00/account. All properties that fail to pay their utility bill by the 25th day of the month will be subject to disconnection. If services have been disconnected, a $50.00 reconnect fee ($100.00 for commercial disconnects) along with all outstanding balances paid in full prior to services being restored.
The Town of Wheatland has established an ordinance regarding utility deposits, delinquency and disconnection: Ordinance 796
The Town of Wheatland does offer emergency, after hours assistance. There is an added charge for emergency assistance, please see the ordinance establishing this rate: Ordinance 822
Our customers and residents now have the ability to make their utility payments online! Please note that your account number is needed in order to complete these payments. You can locate your account number on your utility bill that is mailed to you monthly unless you have requested paperless billing for your account.
Please see below for specific rate information.

The Town of Wheatland operates and maintains its own electrical substation and distribution system. The electrical department responsibilities are varied but include engineering for system changes and additions, line and service changes, street light maintenance, power line locating and meter installation and testing.
The Town of Wheatland is a member of the Wyoming Municipal Power Agency (WMPA). WMPA is the wholesale electricity provider for 8 public power communities in Wyoming. The citizens of public power communities enjoy local control and ownership of their power.
Current Town of Wheatland electric rates
Information on Ordinance 792 (Definitions)
Water / Waste Water
The Town of Wheatland Water/Waste Water Department employs personnel who are certified by the State of Wyoming D.E.Q. The main responsibility of this department lies with the insurance of clean and uncontaminated water to drink for the Town’s citizens. Additionally responsibilities include:
- Installation and Maintenance of Water/Sewer/Drainage Systems
- Maintenance and Records of Water Meters
- Maintenance of Water Mains and Fire Hydrants
- Continual Water Testing both Potable and Non-Potable Water
- Maintenance of three (3) Above Ground Storage Systems (3,000,000 Gallons of Water)
- Maintenance of two (2) Underground Water Storage Systems (100,000 Gallons of Water)
- Maintenance of Wheatland’s Lagoon System and Holding Ponds
- Maintenance of Eight (8) City Water Wells
- Upkeep of Three (3) Booster Stations and Chlorination Systems